Self Care

My daily self care plan is as follows:

I need to make sure I eat well to balance my mood, to balance my mental health from the bouts of depression and anxiety. I need to eat protein. A protein-rich diet, every three to four hours. That's to keep my blood sugar levels even.

I need to make sure I sleep, now that's a hard one when I've got a 1-year-old. That I think has actually only slept two solid nights since he was born (#exhausted). So instead I will accept the reality that I need to take herbs to counteract the impacts of sleep deprivation. I have started taking withania regularly. Actually, I've been taking withania on and off since he was born. No i’m going to be very consistent.

A multivitamin, to make sure I'm covering all basic nutrients. I eat well but I don't believe that anybody in this day and age can actually cover all nutrient levels through food and diet, anymore. It's a sad reality. 

I also take fish oil because I know that that's going to help regulate my moods. Making sure that my essential fatty acids are looked after.

I'm nervously exhausted, so I also take metagenics adaptan. It's amazing it makes everything seem better, I know it seems like a cliche but honestly, it makes me feel whole again it's a beautiful mix of herbal adaptogens.

I Focus on my breath and make sure that I'm breathing. Taking time to breathe deeply. Count to 4 in and 7 out. Helps, take me out of fight and flight. Back to rest and digest.

If I was mainly anxious or I would have been relying on yoga or calm body movement but I'm actually angry I have a deep rage. So I'm looking to go back to a martial arts I know that this will help me be physically strong which is going to help me be mentally strong. Because when we physically strong we are mentally strong.

I'll be starting to take contrast showers to help with my resilience preparation. If I can breathe through a cold shower then I can make it through anything.

Grounding myself, as the frosts start so does my morning dew walks. Where I walk barefoot on the cold dewy grass takes me out of my head and slows my mind down. Because who can stay in there head when your feet are suddenly freezing, all my attention is quickly sent to my feet, then to my breathe to breather though the sudden shock.

Another trick is to dance, move e-motion out of your body. It’s great to move stagnant emotions. It's very powerful, it can be to any song. I’m loving healing by Sampa the great at the moment.

Water, this seems simple but making sure that I'm drinking enough water is going to help with fatigue levels and overall health. Health foundations can be very powerful. All of the small things, add up to big things and make a huge difference.

Simple self-care, is going to make sure that I'm strong enough to keep myself together, My family together and my marriage; through one of the hardest times of my life whole.

Being a Naturopath is who I am, I live to heal and serve others. Don’t let my personal journey stop you from seeking my support. It gives me a purpose and strength to continue.


5 of my daily habits


Trauma & Self Care