About Ashlee



I'm Ashlee, and I'm excited to take you on a transformative journey to well-being. My passion for reshaping the narrative around women's health comes from witnessing silent struggles with hormone-related conditions. I'm not a fan of quick fixes like oral contraceptive pills (OCP) because they often miss the mark. This realization inspired me to forge a compassionate path to health and happiness.

In the rhythmic dance of nature, I find the healing beat that pulses through my veins. Rooted in evidence, fueled by curiosity, my journey is a symphony of resilience, adventure, and the unwavering belief in the transformative power of natural well-being. Embrace the harmony within, let the journey unfold, and thrive in the beautiful melody of your own health and happiness.
— Ashlee Tabrett

Ashlee’s qualifications:

  • Bachelor Medicine Management Professional Honours Complementary Medicine (UTAS), 2019.

  • Graduate Certificate Evidence based Complementary Medicine (UTAS), 2017.

  • Advanced Diploma Naturopathy (AIAS), 2016.

  • Diploma Beauty Therapy (AIAS), 2012.

  • Certificate 4 Massage Therapy (ACM), 2008.

  • Certificate 2 Community Pharmacy (GUILD), 2008.


Nurturing Resilience Through Personal Adventures.

My own health journey began early, grappling with acne, stomach issues, and hormonal imbalances. Presented with limited solutions—surgery or OCP—neither felt aligned with my vision of sustained vitality. This pivotal moment fueled my exploration of holistic alternatives, all while embracing my adventurous spirit, studying natural medicine (advanced diploma in naturopathy) as I backpacked around the world in 2012-2013, exploring 26 countries with my husband. Living with locals and absorbing diverse ways of life helped me view the world and its people with openness.

Crafting Your Evidence-Based Healing Journey

What sets me apart is an evidence-based approach. I have no brand loyalty, love custom medicines. I often prescribe compounded nutrients or liquid herbs to ensure the dosages are meticulously aligned with the latest information available for effective treatment.

Fueled by the extraordinary potential of natural medicine, I'm here to empower your unique health journey, harmonizing alternatives with your body and soul.

Envisioning a Legacy of Empowerment

My vision extends beyond individual health; I aim to leave a lasting legacy of positive change in women's health, empowering communities with an understanding of the incredible female body.

Get to Know Me a Bit More, the Real Me

Really, I'm a bit of a nerd. I know it's not considered very cool, but honestly, I love researching! For me and for you. In my own time, you'll likely find me looking for the answers to the why, what, and how comes of the world. As my mum likes to say, "she won't rest until she has turned over every rock. Like a dog with a bone." It makes me the great technical naturopath I am. I'm not very woo-woo; I like evidence. I'm an evidence-based naturopath.

I've backpacked around the world with my now-husband, living with locals and absorbing different ways of life. It's made us view the world differently and be very open to the world.

When I'm not working, you'll likely find me in the garden with my boys. I'm a mum of two young, busy boys who get dragged into the garden with me regularly. Our garden is an edible oasis. Each year, we add to the list of what we would like to be sustainable in. So far, we grow and preserve enough tomatoes for the year, we grow our own leafy greens and garlic. We have invested in our future with a dozen or more fruit trees. This summer, we plan to grow and preserve enough berries to sustain us.

-Ashlee Tabrett


Get to Know Me a Bit More, the Real Me

Book a session for my undivided attention, where we'll explore transformative possibilities in a supportive atmosphere.

Exciting Horizons Await

I'm genuinely excited about future projects broadening my impact on women's health. Join me on a journey of empowerment, education, and transformative well-being.