Dreaming of a healthier you?

Want to dive deep into your health concerns together with that goal of a healthier you? uncover and act on the true cause?


Deep Dive

Are you struggling?

Looking for answers to your health complaints?

Does something seem to be blocking you?

Imagine your life with health, picture yourself, what are you doing? How do you feel? want to make it your reality?

For real and life-changing health transformation

Deep dive sessions are an hour to help me understand what's happening and how it feels for you. Because let's face it, every condition or disease feels different for every individual. I will go through a sequence of questions to fully understand what's happening to you. This will give me the information to compile an individual treatment plan for you to reach your health goals. You will leave with some basic advice and a follow-up session in 1-2 weeks where you will receive a detailed health plan. I find most of my clients have 2-3 follow up sessions with me before they feel confident they're on the right track and move to the maintenance phase of their healing journey. During the maintenance phase, I recommend we catch up every 3-6 months to check in and address any concerns.

  • Treatment plan

  • Diet and lifestyle advice

  • Individualised supplement prescription & online portal to purchase. 

  • 1 FREE meal plan and further discounted meal plans.

  • Up to 2 nutrient-rich recipe ebooks.

  • Pillars of health program, 4-week health foundations program for sleep, diet and low tox living. Valued at $109

  • Access to 24/7 support and motivation

  • Access to Daily check-in too keep you motivated



This is where you'll be able to find health information on how to be healthy and live a healthy life. 

  • Sleep tips and why sleep is essential for health

  • Low tox living with environment detox and five actionable workbooks

  • A diet with a 7-day meal plan.

All the elements that make up health foundations. 

About Pillars of health program