Ashlee Tabrett

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Trauma, all I'm left with is my voice.

All I'm left with is my voice. I hope that my voice and my knowledge has the ability to help others.

My life mission is to help others like myself. Truly, that's why I studied naturopathy to help myself and then to help others, that are in the same situation as me. That's why under each tab on my website, is a little about me, because I want to heal myself and I want to share how I've done that. I'm being brave this time and rather than doing it retrospectively I am going to let you in, to walk my journey with me.

It's a raw journey, it's a dark journey, it's a hard journey and I'm hoping sharing it will lighten it and give me purpose. I hope that sharing my journey with you, help somebody in my situation. I hope I can help others the same way as I'm helping myself. I hope that people are respectful and understand why I'm letting you in on my journey.

I have a big story, it would make a great TV series, because let's face it it's not a movie, my life, is a series and I'm still in it. Maybe I'll write a book, I don't know, but I do, know that one day I'll have the courage to share my story because in everything there's always a reason for somebody to suffer, and I think my suffering is to help others.

I'm a survivor, I'm not a victim I survived this and now I'm learning how to thrive.